Friday, June 27, 2008

And now, as promised...


Yep, it's a three-post day. Why? Because a) I'm annoyed by work, b) this blog's subhead promised you-all some Morrissey and it's been months with nary a post dedicated to him, and c) This video makes me less annoyed by work (the posturing! the shirtlessness! the blatant narcissism!--in the video, not my workplace). And, it's a really good song.

So, huzzah to the Mozzer for making the world a better place and making me feel a little less like I need to disappear for a while.

Employee's Only

Nikoel and I ran across this sign at the Las Vegas airport:

There is no excuse for this.

ninja kick-assery

In the interest of posting *something*, here goes:

I dare you to not get that song stuck in your head.